3 ofertas de empleo de operations manager en Hualpén, Biobío

1-3 de 3 ofertas de empleo

Ordenar por
Tipo de contrato
  • Contrato a plazo fijo
  • Contrato Indefinido
  • Prácticas
  • Trabajador independiente
Tipo de jornada
  • Tiempo completo  3
  • Tiempo parcial
  • 0+
  • 1+
  • 2+
  • 3+
  • 4+
  • 5+
Fecha de publicación
  • Último día  0
  • Última semana  0
  • Digital Marketing Operations Manager

    WLDM Hualpén, Biobío

    ...can't do your push-ups for you! Challenge accepted! The RoleInterested? Keep Reading: We are looking for a proactive and visionary Digital Marketing Operations...
    Hace +30 días en Talent.com

  • Business Development Manager(House Repair Claims)

    Creditfix Private Limited Hualpén, Biobío

    ...operations and repair teams to ensure timely and efficient delivery of services once claims are approved. Oversee the project management of repair claims...
    Hace +30 días en Talent.com

  • Business Development Manager (Web, I. T and Software...

    Creditfix Private Limited Hualpén, Biobío

    ...operations and repair teams to ensure timely and efficient delivery of services once claims are approved. Oversee the project management of repair claims...
    Hace +30 días en Talent.com


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